FAS Introductory Coaching Course for SFL officials concluded

23 Singapore Football League (SFL) club officials recently participated in the FAS Introductory Coaching Course, July 2023.
SINGAPORE, 7 AUGUST 2023 – The Football Association of Singapore (FAS) recently concluded the FAS Introductory Coaching Course (ICC) for Singapore Football League (SFL) club officials last month.
Held on 11, 13, 18 and 20 July at Singapore Sports School and Jalan Besar Stadium respectively, the course was conducted under the mentorship of the Lead Coach Developer, Mr Toni Teo, and the Assistant Coach Developer, Mr Robin Chitrakar, with a total of 23 participants.
During the 4-day course, various theoretical topics were covered, including “FAS National Playing Philosophy” and “Coaching Profession.” Additionally, the Coach Developers led practical sessions on subjects such as “Introduction of S.M.I.L.E.S.” and “Organizing a Coaching Session.”
SFL club officials in session, July 2023.
As part of the practical asp