Talent Identification department to conduct talent-scout courses this August and September

Identification trials for boys, June 2023.
SINGAPORE, 24 JULY 2023 – The Talent Identification (Level 1) course is aimed at scouts, future scouts, coaches, and talent developers who work to evaluate players, primarily in youth football. This applies to both evaluation of the club’s own players as well as scouting of external players with a view to potentially recruiting at a later stage.
The aim of the Talent Identification (Level 1) course is to give the attending talent-scouts an insight into the basics of talent identification and to train the talent-scouts to identify and scout talented players at academy level.
The content includes the following topics:
What is a talent?
Performance and potential
Live scouting and/or video scouting
A model for reporting on individual players
Introduction to common football and scouting language
Safeguarding, FAS (Football Association of Singapore) guidelines and rules f